Cave Wall Media (

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Concept & Design Work

Portfolio: "seeing unseen"
• Scientific filming
• Interactive wildlife study
• Critter-Cam system design
• Underwater sports filming

Portfolio: "social awareness"
• Road Safety.. Social Media
• Road Safety.. Smooth
• Road Safety.. Momentum
• Bullying... SAN Syndrome
• Plastic Pollution... The Fix
• Human Numbers... A' vs E'

Portfolio: "science 4 public"
• Oceanography fun reading

Portfolio: "spatial science"
• Considering the Universe

Portfolio: "shop"
• SHOP - for Art Designs
• SHOP - for Film Clips

CWM is home to:

The Everlasting Poo
Barbabus the Bucket Crab
Granny Ani Epoch
Left Ear Driver
Prof Puckit
Sea Shore Antics
Thoughts & Quotes

• BLOG - Articles & Stories

You Can Support
any or all of these
portfolio projects,
by offering a coffee
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Portfolio: "social awareness"
Plastic Polution... "The Everlasting Poo & The Fix"

This concept actually started as a simple practice for video editing. . . mucking about with some stock footage selections.
As stock audio, footage & images were explored. . . the notion of our planets plastic pollution issue came to mind. . . & eventually 2 videos were crafted in post-production edit (practice).

plastic pollution - explanation montage

Plastic Pollution - "The Everlasting Poo"

The video and further discussion info now on - Home website

Plastic Pollution - "The Fix"

The video and further discussion info now on - TheFix website

plastic pollution - shop for t-shirts

The SHOP is at HERE


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CaveWallMedia-Art link
CaveWallMedia-Art T-Shirts link
CaveWallMedia-Art T-Shirts link
The Everlasting Poo Video link
The Everlasting Poo Key-Points link
The Fix Video link
CaveWallMedia-Art T-Shirts link
CaveWallMedia-Art T-Shirts link
The Everlasting Poo Video link
The Everlasting Poo Key-Points link
The Fix Video link
CaveWallMedia-Art T-Shirts link
CaveWallMedia-Art T-Shirts link

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