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Concept & Design Work

Portfolio: "seeing unseen"
• Scientific filming
• Interactive wildlife study
• Critter-Cam system design
• Underwater sports filming

Portfolio: "social awareness"
• Road Safety.. Social Media
• Road Safety.. Smooth
• Road Safety.. Momentum
• Bullying... SAN Syndrome
• Plastic Pollution... The Fix
• Human Numbers... A' vs E'

Portfolio: "science 4 public"
• Oceanography fun reading

Portfolio: "spatial science"
• Considering the Universe

Portfolio: "shop"
• SHOP - for Art Designs
• SHOP - for Film Clips

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The Everlasting Poo
Barbabus the Bucket Crab
Granny Ani Epoch
Left Ear Driver
Prof Puckit
Sea Shore Antics
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Portfolio: "social awareness"
Bullying... SAN Syndrome concept.

I stood beside a person, whom I thought of as usually truly-strong. On one day, I mentioned out loud, that very point, followed by, "but right now you just come across as being pathetically somewhat, sad-and-needy."
I had witnessed a use of their position of responsibility. . . as a position of power-over. . . and it had made someone feel low, inappropriately.
The simple comment was effective. It jabbed at them. The person reconsidered. . . and fixed the attitude (including an apology).

A concept idea was later, put together to help in a way to educate and inform against the acts of bullying.

An area of note was that an act of bullying, seemed to create a notion that the victim is a looser (often deemed weaker) and the bully as stronger.
This concept idea was out to explore if the notion could be revised, so that a social understanding of bullying (some bullies), could be to express (label) a bully, more to be:-

* "a social parasite" (as gains by feeding off of others)
* "sad and needy". A label which is undesired, therefore may prevent a bully act from occurring.
* The "sad and needy" could be shortened to SAN (more subtle)
* The SAN could be put forward attached as a syndrome, creating a label (to slap on a person creating an act of bullying).
The term syndrome, can be associated, as it is a group of symptoms that consistently occur collectively to form a disorder. This can be a collection of attitudes or behaviours.

Screenshot sample of website poster-page.

Floating the concept
The idea was set out as a concept. It flowed well as an active concept to include the need for both education and punitive acceptances, together to create what would be a preventative aid. Preventative ideas are hard to quantify or measure, but it was deemed a preferred style.

A web-page was created. Simple, in as much as to act as an "A4 poster-page in a shop window". This web-page would carry a link to a social media outlet (a facebook page) so the platform could allow an interaction and distribution of the concept to a wide audience, for considerations, feedback, and just to add to the many existing efforts of people already helping out in this social subject area.

Screenshot sample of facebook interactive-page.

Concept format
The website poster-page and the facebook interactive-page, carry the introductory idea, along with reasonings about needs for education and punitive measures appropriate to prevent acts of bullying.

Prevention before the start, also prevention of further persistent acts of bullying, are the areas that this concept may be helpfully applied.

A lot of feedback was to like some designs, to use as a means of discussion starter visual tools. From this point, another platform was sort, in order to put any visual designs "out there", should they be required at any time.
A shop (via spreadshirt) was looked into and set up to provide a small range of products...mugs, etc. Later, a (preferred ethics platform) design shop ( was created for art prints and t-shirts etc... still aimed to wear and facilitate subject discussion.

Screenshot sample of one Anti-Bullying design shop.

CWM Cool Ads
stomp out bullying link
shadow of bully is larger
shadow of bully is larger
design shop collection of t-shirts and mugs
design shop collection of t-shirts and mugs
design shop collectionshowing all designs available
design shop collectionshowing all designs available
stomp out bullying link
logo of starlight is person holding torch with a star shining on the end
shadow of bully is larger
design shop collection of t-shirts and mugs
design shop collectionshowing all designs available
stomp out bullying link

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