Cave Wall Media (

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Concept & Design Work

Portfolio: "seeing unseen"
• Scientific filming
• Interactive wildlife study
• Critter-Cam system design
• Underwater sports filming

Portfolio: "social awareness"
• Road Safety.. Social Media
• Road Safety.. Smooth
• Road Safety.. Momentum
• Bullying... SAN Syndrome
• Plastic Pollution... The Fix
• Human Numbers... A' vs E'

Portfolio: "science 4 public"
• Oceanography fun reading

Portfolio: "spatial science"
• Considering the Universe

Portfolio: "shop"
• SHOP - for Art Designs
• SHOP - for Film Clips

CWM is home to:

The Everlasting Poo
Barbabus the Bucket Crab
Granny Ani Epoch
Left Ear Driver
Prof Puckit
Sea Shore Antics
Thoughts & Quotes

• BLOG - Articles & Stories

You Can Support
any or all of these
portfolio projects,
by offering a coffee
Thank You
Buy a Coffee link Love You



Creating concepts for education and intrigue, using storytelling and visual design.

Cave Wall Media's creative format:
• 'collect ideas and observations'... events and situations around us.
• 'evaluate potential'... for a concept project, hypothesis and or educational/intriguing story.
• 'visualise, hone and tweak into a project or product form'... with use of our studio/lab/office.
• 'pass it on'... into an existing market or a created market.

cavewallmedia port-folio montage  

CWM Cool Ads
the open university inspiring education
edmund optics
logo of starlight is person holding torch with a star shining on the end
logo of great ormond street hospital is sketch outline of childs face with teardrop from one eye
CaveWallMedia-Film link
CaveWallMedia-Art link

copyright © 2010-2025