Cave Wall Media – Articles » Entries tagged with "Sea Shore Antics"

Snippets – Starfish turns it’s stomach inside out

Snippets – Starfish turns it’s stomach inside out

Snippets are short clips that reveal a simple visualised event. . Here a Starfish…. Cushion Star (Asterina gibbosa) can be seen turning it’s stomach inside out. It inverts the stomach to the outside of itself, where it can digest it’s food. The food in the video is a Common Mussel (Mytilus edulis). . In the wild, the Cushion Star (Asterina gibbosa) finds a mussel, straddles it, then pulls it open very slightly. Once there is a small gap between the mussel … Read entire article »

Filed under: Sea Shore Antics - Snippets

Shore Crab mugged by Common Blennies – food stolen

Shore Crab mugged by Common Blennies – food stolen

Yikes! More fighting in the rock pools. . A Shore Crab was mugged by local Common Blennies. A fight broke out, but in the end the crab lost out and had all it’s food stolen. . The crab had already spent hours working hard for it’s living, by slowly but surely slicing out the hinges of a Common Mussel’s protective shells. Once the hinges were cut, the shell was able to be pulled open and the meat (the hapless … Read entire article »

Filed under: Sea Shore Antics - Stories with Videos

Mussels at work – filter feeding – made visible with science

Mussels at work – filter feeding – made visible with science

With the naked eye, no filter-feeding can be seen. Using a scientific filming method, the fluid flow becomes visible….. and so the mussel’s work, becomes observable   Mussels at Work, is a short 2 minute video, revealing something that you cannot see with just the naked eye – a bivalve mollusc (Common Mussel) doing it’s work of filter feeding. A bit of science reveals the invisible…. The physics of light, density differentials and fluid flow, along with an adapted Schlieren … Read entire article »

Filed under: Sea Shore Antics - Stories with Videos

‘Sea Shore Antics’ – Intro

‘Sea Shore Antics’ – Intro

Sea Shore Antics has an interest of seashore marine wildlife that survive in and around rock pools, tidal and near shore areas on the UK coast.   It is easily possible to look at them on the shore or at an aquarium, but seldom possible to actually see what they need to, and do get up to, just to survive and therefore remain living.   Cave Wall Media introduces a ‘Sea Shore Antics’ category with a collection of….. err, well….. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Sea Shore Antics

Sea Shore Antics

Sea Shore Antics

  Featured Article …..   Cave Wall Media presents: Sea Shore Antics. Sea Shore Antics has an interest of seashore marine wildlife that survive in and around rock pools, tidal and near shore areas on the UK coast. It is easily possible to look at most of these creatures down at the sea shore, in and around the rock pools, or at an aquarium, but it is seldom possible to actually see what they need to, and do get up to, … Read entire article »

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