Funnies – What could go wrong with an attitude of: “ah… It’ll be alright”

“Ah….. It’ll be alright”, is a cartoon ribbing human nature’s attitude to continue whilst overlooking and/or ignoring, possible consequences.
Full size Pic from CWM’s Flickr is below: Further info is further down.



“Ah….. It’ll be alright”

A cartoon, for a bit if fun, designed to take a light-hearted poke at human nature’s potential habit of continuing on, regardless of possible consequences.

The idea came from recent articles floating around, pointing out the demise of the planet’s forests.
As this topic has been repeated many times before, a thought was jumped to, regarding an already completed wipe-out of trees and a known story….. the one of Easter Island.
This thought was then expanded to apply to the planet…. should we continue to use up the trees.

The statues are recognisable to a large number of people, as representing the Easter Island….. so plonking them, looking out into space, was a way of duplicating the comparison of the wiping out of trees…. but, this time in relation with the whole planet.
The commentary, is placed with “visitors” and the reference is given to past tense… “…. where the inhabitants used to…”

One would expect us to mature as well as evolve….. so I’m sure we’ll do stuff like, fix-things-up and in time, potter off to new pastures…. but in the mean time…..
Perhaps the cartoon could be used to start or spin a conversation / argument…. about our use on planetary resources…. Earth…. our island in space.


Non Commercial:
No fee. Just copy paste and or share as whole article – This Page
No fee. Just copy paste and or share as whole image – Flickr Here


“Funnies…” is a CaveWallMedia project… For amusement… The tonic to simply help keep your soul alive… Buy CaveWallMedia a coffee with an opportunity to place a comment if you would like.

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